Thursday, September 25, 2008

Rahu - The Outsider

Rahu is a very mysterious character, to say the least. In principle, no graha is inherently good or otherwise, and merely reflects certain facets of the karma that the Atma accepted while incarnating. However, I have never heard much good being said about Rahu. Let me expound my views on Rahu, given the understanding that I have developed over the past year of the Rahu antardasha in my Lagnesh (Chandra) mahadasha.

To understand Rahu, one must understand the story about how he became immortal / died - at the very same time :) Both the devas and the rakshasas had worked equally hard to churn the ocean of milk. And many bounties came forth from that effort. Vishnu wedded Lakshmi and Shiva was implored to contain the poison! Finally, when the nectar emerged, Vishnu disguised himself as Mohini to deny the rakshasas their share.

Rahu recognized the fact that while Mohini was keeping them at bay with sweet smiles, the nectar was going to be finished before any Rakshas got his share. He was no fool. He decided to trick Vishnu, who was engaged in the process of sidestepping the rakshasas. Rahu, disguised himself as a deva and joined their ranks to drink the nectar that he so keenly desired. Vishnu recognized him, but was willing to play along, conceding that Rahu had seen through his ploy. Surya and Chandra however, exposed Rahu for what he was and Vishnu had to act quickly to slice off Rahu's head with the Sudarshan chakra. But the nectar had touched his throat and so he became immortal. He had met his end at the hands of Vishnu and so he also achieved Moksha (ketu) !!

Only the devas have the right to immortality and only humans have the right to moksha - but Rahu achieved both!! So think again before labelling him whatever you will :)

That is why I choose to think of Rahu as the quintessential outsider. He was a rakshas but lined up with the devas to get a share of the amrit. Why to people risk migrating to distant lands where they are treated as foreigners/outsiders? In some cases, to earn $$$ :) the modern day equivalent of amrit. It is a strong desire - whether for wealth, for knowledge, marriage, whatever that takes you away from "your" people and makes you an outsider in a different setting, group of people, foreign land or whatever. In order to get a promotion, you might switch companies and go through a period of being an outsider in a new employment setting - the net effect is the same - pure Rahu - Desire, hard work and risk!

It is important to know if you are in character as Rahu because of either your mahadasha/ antardasha or natal placement that people's reactions to you are not personal. Its because of your outsider status. As soon as they get to know you (you become an insider), the equation changes. With a natal placement, things are more challenging. Again, its because of fear of the unknown, lack of willingness to go beyond the comfort zone. On the flip side, you will probably bump into people who have a natal/gochar Venus conjunct Rahu who will co-operate with you, so you will have support!!

Rahu works on the principle stated by Jack Nicholson's character in The Departed - "No one's gonna give it to you, you gotta take it!" Vishnu wont give you the amrit, not unless you are a deva anyway. Rahu works very hard to get what he wants. It is very important to note that the area of the chart where Rahu resides - the effort is put in without protest. Because Rahu is desire, and no one complains about working - however hard it might be - to achieve their desires. The complains are reserved for houses occupied and aspected by Shani - where service is provided. Rahu is what you like, what you want - in some cases, desperately :)

I have read in many places that Rahu creates luck - I beg to differ. Rahu is lucky only becuase he puts in hard work and takes risks. Its just that the work doesnt seem that much of a burden. You are tirelessly churning the ocean of milk in the expectation of amrit. You mingle with your enemies - again for the amrit. Unfortunately, when you get the amrit, your head is sliced off :) !! Now there simply MUST be mitigation strategies for this!! Watch this space - there are still 5 months left in my Rahu antardasha. One thought that I must express here - Is it better to be beheaded after getting what you want, or have to come back for another incarnation because of unfulfilled desires? That is the question........

Rahu, as we know, is the great amplifier. He increases the power of the lord of the house where he sits, as well as the power of any grahas that conjoin him. When in conjunction who, among Rahu or the accompanying graha, dominates depends on whose degrees are higher. I have listed some yogas formed of Rahu conjunctions - dont get too wound up by the sanskrit names - Remember, overall effects depend on house, rashi, as well as house lordships :).

Surya-Rahu: Aditya Chandala yoga - (False) Ego identification with desire

Chandra-Rahu: Strong desire for the nakshatra significations of needy chandra

Mangal-Rahu: Vijay yoga - Desire for victory at any cost

Shukra-Rahu: The Asura, accompanied by his Guru - will inevitably desire/possess finer things in life

Shani-Rahu: Desire to restrict (self and/or others)

Guru-Rahu: Guru Chandala yoga - Use knowledge to release desires or misuse knowledge to expand desires.......

Budha-Rahu: Desire to reason/rationalize

With Rahu conjunct more than one graha, too complex to generalize :)


Inner peace is Outer peace said...

very unique light.thank you.. Pls share more

Unknown said...

अगर आप भी जानना चाहते है की आप जॉब करेंगे या बिज़नेस तो आज ही अपनी कुंडली का विस्लेसन कर रिपोर्ट - डाउनलोड करे या हमे call- +917983037674 या whatsapp - 917983037674 करे.
आज कल लोग Specially युवा पीढ़ी इस चिंता में रहते है की किस तरह के career में जाएंगे , ऐसी कौन सी field चुने जिसमे उन्हें सफलता मिले। यह सोचते है की आगे जा करे business करेंगे या एक Job ? कोई भी किसी ख़ास विद्या के बिना ये अनुमान नहीं लगा सकता की उसे किस तरह का करियर चुनना चाहिए या क्या चीज करे जो उसके Career के लिए फायदेमंद हो।
सामान्य रूप से आप ये नहीं जान सकते लेकिन Astrology की मदद से आप ये जान सकते है की आप किस आप किस career में जाये ताकि आपको अच्छी income earn हो।
ये जानने के लिए आपके पास अपनी janam kundli होनी चाहिए आपकी जन्म कुंडली पढ़कर कोई भी astrologer बता सकता है की आप को कौन सा career सफलता देगा।
आप astrology की माध्यम से ये भी जान सकते हो की आपको जो field पसंद है या जिस Job में आप जाना चाहते हो आप उसमें जाओगे या नहीं।
आपकी जन्म कुंडली में आपके बारे में सब कुछ होता है जन्म कुंडली देख कर ये पता लगाया जा सकता है की आपकी Job किस area में लगेगी। ये तक पता लगाया जा सकता है की आपको Govt. Job लगेगी या Private . अगर आप business करेंगे तो वो किस area में करेंगे।
कोई भी व्यक्ति इतना सक्षम नहीं की वो सारे काम कर ले । सभी की अलग-अलग कार्यक्षमता व मानसिक स्थिति होती है। उसी को देख के हमे अपना career चुनना चाहिए । कुछ लोगों को जॉब में Interest होता है तो कुछ को अपना खुद का कोई काम करने में । आप अपने Business में सफल तभी हो सकते है जब कुण्डली में Business से सम्बन्धित ग्रह, भाव व योग प्रबल हो।
व्यापार योग देखने के लिए जन्मकुंडली में बुध की स्थिति, दशम भाव यानी कर्म स्थान और एकादश यानी आय स्थान का अध्ययन किया जाना चाहिए। दशम स्थान में जो ग्रह स्थित हो उसके गुण-स्वभाव के अनुसार व्यक्ति का व्यवसाय होता है।
जैसे की यदि दशम भाव में एक से अधिक ग्रह हों तो जो ग्रह सबसे बलवान होता है उसके अनुसार व्यक्ति का business होता है। जैसे दशम भाव में शुक्र हो तो व्यक्तिCosemetics, Jewellery आदि का business करता है।
यदि दशम भाव में कोई ग्रह न हो तो दशमेश यानी दशम भाव के स्वामी के अनुसार business तय होता है। यदि दशम भाव में मंगल हो तो व्यक्ति Property, Investment , policy आदि के कार्यों से profit earn करता है।
गहराई में अपनी कुंडली की जांच करें या हमसे कुंडली विश्लेषण रिपोर्ट प्राप्त करें।आप अपने P3 ( मॉडल को ऑर्डर कर सकते हैं और डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं (इस मॉडल में हम आपको प्रत्येक घर में अपनी कुंडली का गहरा विश्लेषण दे